Using my dog as an accessory

12:31 PM Theresa 2 Comments

My outfit of the day for today! This crop top reminds me of Kylie Jenner. All I need is her sick blue hair and goddess-like looks. I think I want to just wear crop tops and jean shorts all year long.

I'm really sad you can't see my shoes in the grass, they're super rad. I like to think of them as my ugly nurse loafers (no offense, nurses! You rock!). Ugly shoes are my favorite.

My puppy also decided to join in on my outfit pictures today. She's also wearing her own stylish pieces for the pictures. A sweet pink bandana and a totally 90s grunge choker (aka, her collar). She's a babe.


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Lana del Birdfeeder

6:57 PM Theresa 3 Comments

Back from a beach trip with a proper outfit post and a (semi) glistening tan! 

I love the simplicity of a monochromatic outfit, it's always so pretty. I also don't think I'll ever get bored of floral crowns. I have one hanging in my car and two on my wall at home as decor. They are so easy to make!


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